

Full Stack Dev & UX/UI Lead

React, Airtable, Netlify AWS Lambda Functions, Storybook

Full stack web app using AWS Lambda functions to serve workshop data from Airtable with the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan using a React client styled with Styled Components.

Why I'm proud of this project:

  • Led styling of project using a Storybook first approach.
  • Integrating serverless architecture with an Airtable backend

Where's Whippy

Full Stack Dev & Quality Assurance Lead

PostgreSQL, Express, React, Node.js

Full stack web app with jwt authentication that serves geolocation and user data from a postgres database using an Express RESTful API.

Why I'm proud of this project:

  • Led testing of asynchronous database queries using Jest & Supertest
  • Implementation of React's useContext hook
  • Build of controlled from component in React without a library